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Configuration Options

treatWarningsAsErrorsfalseif we treat warnings as errors Gestalt will fail on any warnings. When set to true it overrides the behaviour in the below configs.
treatMissingArrayIndexAsErrorfalseBy default Gestalt will insert null values into an array or list that is missing an index. By enabling this you will get an exception instead
treatMissingValuesAsErrorsfalseBy default Gestalt will not update values in classes not found in the config. Null values will be left null and values with defaults will keep their defaults. By enabling this you will get an exception if any value is missing.
treatMissingDiscretionaryValuesAsErrorstrueSets treat missing discretionary values (optional, fields with defaults, fields with default annotations) as an error. If this is false you will be able to get the configuration with default values or an empty Optional. If this is true, if a field is missing and would have had a default it will fail and throw an exception.
dateDecoderFormatnullPattern for a DateTimeFormatter, if left blank will use the default for the decoder
localDateTimeFormatnullPattern for a DateTimeFormatter, if left blank will use the default for the decoder
localDateFormatnullPattern for a DateTimeFormatter, if left blank will use the default for the decoder
substitutionOpeningToken${Customize what tokens gestalt looks for when starting replacing substrings
substitutionClosingToken}Customize what tokens gestalt looks for when ending replacing substrings
maxSubstitutionNestedDepth5Get the maximum string substitution nested depth. If you have nested or recursive substitutions that go deeper than this it will fail.
nodeIncludeKeyword$includeThe token used to denote a included node. If this is found in a path it will attempt to load the node into the tree at this location.
nodeNestedIncludeLimit5The maximum number of nested Node Includes Gestalt will attempt. If you have nested or recursive Includes that go deeper than this it will fail.
observationsEnabledfalseif observations should be enabled. This needs to be used in conjunction with the gestalt-micrometer or other observations library.
proxyDecoderModeCACHEEither CACHE or PASSTHROUGH, where cache means we serve results through a cache that is never updated or pass through where each call is forwarded to Gestalt to be looked up.