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Hibernate Validator

Gestalt allows a validator to hook into and validate calls to get a configuration object. Gestalt includes a Hibernate Bean Validator implementation.

If the object decoded fails to validate, a GestaltException is thrown with the details of the failed validations. For calls to getConfig with a default value it will log the failed validations then return the default value. For calls to getConfigOptional it will log the failed validations then return an Optional.empty().

To import the Hibernate Validator implementation add gestalt-validator-hibernate to your build files.

In Maven:


Or in Gradle


Then when building gestalt, you need to register the module config HibernateModuleConfig using the HibernateModuleBuilder.

ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = factory.getValidator();

Gestalt gestalt = new GestaltBuilder()


For details on how to use the Hibernate Validator see their documentation.